Vaccinations information

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) governs and restricts information about vaccinations. Except within a consultation, doctors or other health care practices and providers are legally prevented from providing information and advice about vaccination if that information and advice might induce or encourage families to seek vaccination. The TGA announced a surprising stance on this and advised they would characterise any information or advice that might induce someone to seek vaccination as unlawful advertising. Information is available from the TGA, which provides links to various other authorised government sites. The Australian Immunisation Handbook and other handouts are available at NCIRS  and Meningococcal Information. Prosper Paediatrics regrets that we cannot provide further assistance on behalf of the associated doctors but encourages families to make an appointment if they would like to talk with their doctor about any questions or concerns about vaccinations.

Prosper Paediatrics and the associated doctors have never received any financial gain or benefit from providing information on vaccinations. They do not conduct vaccinations and do not receive any financial benefits in association with information regarding vaccinations, including from any party conducting vaccinations or from any government agency or pharmaceutical entity in the business of manufacturing or supplying vaccinations.