Contacting us

  • The Prosper paediatrics Reception Team

  • your provider

Fax 8332 3978

Phone 8332 3778

  • -Our phones can be very busy some days, so please leave a detailed message if we cant answer straight away. Voice mails go into our email inbox and are monitored and responded to quickly, usually within a few hours.


    Email is a preferred communication tool for booking matters and providing documents such as letters, reports and uncomplicated results where appropriate. If you do not yet have our reception email address, please us our contact form:

Further information about our policies is provided

  • here about communication and contact policies

  • here about privacy and your personal and health information

  • here about the trust and respect needed for any contact, communication and engagement with Prosper Paediatrics or any of its associated doctors.

Referrers and other providers:

Secure messaging is strongly preferred FOR ALL PATIENT-SPECIFIC CORRESPONDENCE

Healthlink EDI (drconway) -best and free to GPs

Argus (

Medical Objects (XP5065000QR)| or use the Doctor Recipient's Provider Number

ReferralNet (GEN11508) or use the Doctor Recipient's Provider Number

POSTAl Address

If secure messaging, fax or email are not possible,


For New Patient inquiries and bookings-go here

Urgent appointments, requests, concerns, emergencies & after-hours:

Prosper Paediatrics is not an emergency facility and is unable to provide services urgently.

The associated providers are not urgent care providers. They often consult part-time and have other professional responsibilities. Requests are managed, and appointments are offered as responsively as possible but not urgently. Your paediatrician or another associated paediatrician may be able to fit you in within a day or so for an urgent appointment or may not be able to offer an appointment or provide a response straight away.

Should my child have medical care? Should they have urgent care?

Page 61 of your child’s Blue Book lists some signs of health problems warranting medical assessment. 

Our website provides some links to resources and information for parents about various concerns and to help them assess the need for health care or urgent health care. Go here to find information about a range of resources and information.

Options for quickly accessing care:

Your GP

We may recommend that you see your GP, who is often better able to fit an urgent appointment into their bookings. Your GP is well-equipped and trained to make assessments about the urgency or seriousness of a presentation. Your GP will be able to advise your paediatrician of any concerns and may begin some investigations. Your GP can often provide some reassurance until you can see the paediatrician.

CAVUCS (a WCH service)

CAVUCS (Child & Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service)- offers video consultation with paediatricians for children over 6 months of age. Details at:

Parents can present on Video to a paediatrician in the CAVUCS service offered by the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.


Especially for assistance and guidance about common health and feeding issues and developmental checks in infants and young children

your nearest paediatric emergency department

If you believe your child is seriously unwell, you should call an ambulance or take them to your local paediatric emergency department. At the ED, a very sick child can be assessed and have all the tests, scans and treatments needed urgently. 

Reception Hours

Prosper Paediatrics operates a shared digitally based Reception with phones and email communications open from 8:30 am to 5.30 pm.

Receptionists normally work at our Toorak Garden (Burnside Hospital) rooms from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reception desks at the North Adelaide Rooms may not be open when no clinics are scheduled there.

Phone the rooms if you are hoping to drop into our rooms at North Adelaide to check if the rooms are open.

Prosper Paediatrics Reception team can help you with requests and bookings for your associated provider, even when they are not in clinic.

Our associated practitioners and the Prosper Paediatrics staff are not able to provide emergency or urgent services or responses at any time.