Prosper Paediatrics & Your Provider 

Prosper Paediatrics is a business that provides specialised administrative services and facilities for independent paediatric specialist practices.

We are a “Service Provider” business. In the Australian economy, Service Providers work with businesses of all kinds to enhance efficiencies, reduce costs and take hassles and headaches away so that businesses, small and large, can concentrate on what they love and do well.

Florists do not start a florist shop and a chef, their restaurant as an excuse to do book-keeping.

Doctors do not generally set up private practice so they can spend their day hiring and managing staff, booking appointments, cleaning, organising maintenance, designing and running their IT and doing the book-keeping. Most doctors want to spend their days providing health care services to their patients. This is what they have spent 10 or more years training for. The business of private practice administration is generally barely touched on in that time.

A large number of paediatricians work at least part-time in the public system. Many will never undertake a private practice. Others do, often only because they can engage a Service Provider like us to support and assist them.

Businesses outsource to or engage Service Providers for a range of specialist services they need to support them as they deliver their services or products to clients. Service Providers can be experts and specialists in helping businesses with such matters as IT, accounting, book-keeping, transcription, phone services, cleaning, property maintenance, HR, payroll, legal services, workplace health and safety training, general staff training, and billing.

Prosper Paediatrics is an expert in the administrative aspects of paediatric specialist practice.

The associated Specialist Providers have each independently chosen a group associate arrangement located with Prosper Paediatrics’ services and rooms for professional benefits, including:

  • co-location with easy access to professional colleagues of similar mind, for mentoring,  case reviews and general professional discussions and development;

  • easy provision of locum cover with their colleagues;

  • to facilitate their colleagues taking referrals, as per medico-legal and ethical requirements, if they cannot accept them within an appropriate time frame or because they do not believe they are the best doctor for that referral.

  • to help them provide better professional services and work alongside colleagues who share the same goals of providing excellent care.

These associated Specialist Providers have also each independently chosen this group associate arrangement to share better-quality services, increase efficiency, and reduce costs so that their care can remain affordable in the community and allow families a genuine choice for private care and continuity of care with their doctor.

Traditionally, specialists have sought to practice near or to co-locate with colleagues in the specialist rooms offered by certain hospitals, on various well-known streets, precincts and premises in towns and cities. This evolved into the modern and common structuring of group medical practices with a Service Provider business for better administration and the sharing of costs and services. It is also the best way to allow providers to conduct their practices independently and in keeping with long-standing medical law and ethics.

Prosper Paediatrics does not employ the associated providers. The providers have engaged us as their Service Provider. Patient fees are billed on their behalf and banked to their accounts. Prosper Paediatrics bills the Providers separately for their use of our services.

The administration of private paediatric specialist practices is a relatively complex task compared to many other kinds of medical practice.

Prosper Paediatrics does not direct the Providers or their conduct of their practices. We provide reception, administration, billing and sessional use of the rooms that we set up in consultation with and for them.